As we approach the end of 2023, I’ve been reflecting on my year as a business owner, the highs and the lows of going it alone. CJ Hotel Consultancy is now in its seventh year of operation, and I’ve enjoyed running my own business more than I ever could have expected , but operating your own show is a constant, all-consuming and sometimes relentless task. As a service provider working with small to medium-sized hospitality businesses, my learnings from running my business this year may sound familiar and resonate with you too.


  1. If you don’t shout about your successes, no one will!

This year, I won three awards for the same client property - one of these awards, given by an esteemed local business partnership network, was the ‘Marketing and Promotion’ award- a direct accreditation for the work I had carried out on behalf of the client! The work was a business collaboration and marketing partnership with other Sussex businesses. Find out more about this partnership here, and my award submission beat off the stiff competition. I couldn’t have been happier for my client to achieve this accolade, but equally, I took that as a big win for CJHC too!

2. Making friends with other self-employed people/ business owners is essential for sanity!

This year I’ve made a great new network of local business owners in my region - Brighton, and Sussex and into Kent and Surrey in some instances. Having work-friends/ colleagues like this has been beneficial and, like I say, sanity-saving! Some weeks, you need a good old natter to help see the wood for the trees, so to speak! and speaking with other business owners has given me insight and perspective on the challenges that arise and how to handle them.

3. Some weeks are really tough - just like they would be in employed work too.

Perspective is an interesting thing, I think it’s important to remember whilst running your own business that if you are having a bad week, possibly made worse by whatever external factors you are dealing with - family, friends, pressure of finances in the cost of living crisis year then take a moment to step back and see the bigger picture. As a business owner, I find it can feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders - but I find it helps me to look at it as if I was employed, and just take some deep breathes and know all will be okay and all the things that need doing, will get done. It’s okay to have a bad week!

4. Only you are responsible for your business marketing and development - keep the cogs turning, but don’t beat yourself up when things slip too.

Even as a marketing specialist, I suffer with this one too! As a business owner, you do need to set the tone and the plan and keep it going throughout the year, ideally without overthinking it late at night and then doing nothing about it for weeks on end! ;) I work with external freelancers to support my marketing efforts; if you need someone to help you with yours, then my power coaching sessions are a good place to start. Power Coaching Sessions

5. Taking time out in the day to fill your cup is essential and a perk of being self-employed - morning yoga session anyone?

This is a must, I know my busy days quiet days, planning times and desk days so I approach my week in a holistic way - blocking out time for my clients’ work and my self-care time. It doesn’t always come off that way, especially around busy times pre and post-school holidays, but setting the intention and having a regular class to go to pays dividends.

6. Joining a club or association will give you a sense of belonging (if you feel you need a community around you).

I’ve learnt that I hold value in having a business community around me, and one of my business goals this year was to network my business locally. I joined the Sussex Chamber of Commerce providing me with a calendar of events in addition to this group have attended other business networking events including the HBBA, BBBC and other Brighton business events - providing me with new connections for me and the properties that I represent.

7. Some clients need sacking - and that’s okay!

I wondered whether to take this one out or not! I left it in because it is true and does need saying. I haven’t been in this position this year, but I was the previous year, and if a client’s work isn’t working for you or the relationship is fractious then you gotta do what you gotta do.

8. Pushing back lets the client know your boundaries

Setting boundaries from the get-go is a must, however, reminders of boundaries are also essential for both parties, and this is one of the reasons why I am approaching next year with quarterly planning for my clients.

9. Having the freedom and flexibility to work the hours you set is GOLD.

YES!!! Flexibility is key, and as a busy Mum as well as business owners'/ freelancer/ hybrid then this is the absolute golden ticket!

10. Filing a tax return in July is a game changer!

This has been really positive for me, this year I filed my tax return straight after the financial year which has really helped with financial planning for the rest of the year and not being stung with a surprise amount at the end of the year at Christmas time.

Did any of these resonate with you, and what have you learnt about your business of work life this year? Comment or message me direct to fill me in.

Marketing Planning and Support

Learn more about my power session consultancy here

“When you Support a Small Business, you Support a Dream”
— Everyday Power Quotes